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Frequently Asked Questions

Only business related to infrastructure is involved. Also, business generation through reference & mouth publicity.

Yes, if there is not a sufficient number of captains to start a new command, you’ll have to hold for a maximum of 30 days.

For any confusion and quires you can get in touch with Governing team of the respective Command or RME staff.

Once your firm is enrolled in a Command you can’t enroll the same firm with the same profession classification in another Command. But, the same firm can enroll in different Commands for different profession classifications.

No, RME is entirely based on reference and network exchange business model.

RME is not a get rich fast scheme. It takes time to earn the trust of your Command Captains, to become adept in the networking arena, to learn to promote yourself and your business with ease. If you expect instant reward, RME is not for you. If you want to build long-standing business relationships that will earn you qualified referrals for years to come, then RME is for you.